The COVID-19 pandemic has stressed critical care at the Sturgeon almost to the breaking point this past year; therefore, one of the main fundraising priorities of the SCHF has been equipment for the Critical Care Department.
And YOU, our community of friends has not let us down!
"Every day in the Critical Care Department at the Sturgeon we use life-saving equipment that was donated by our generous community," said Glenda Corrigal, the Patient Care Manager Critical Care/Medicine/Cardiac Clinic/Staffing Office/Spiritual Care.
"All the staff in the CCU would like to thank the foundation for the generous donation of medical equipment that keeps our units running smoothly. Through the COVID 19 pandemic, access to donated equipment has contributed in a massive way to the effective and efficient care of critically ill patients."
Equipment purchased since the start of the pandemic includes:
Every donation, in every amount has made a difference this year. Thank you.